The Market Pass is an ethical, integrated and fit-for-purpose admin and accreditation tool designed for a modern market industry.
The Market Pass (Professional Accreditation and Standards Scheme) is a new and digital form of accreditation for market traders, assistant market traders and market operators, developed by The Market People. The Market Pass was introduced in 2012 and is at the core of the Market People Platform, altogether with the ability to provide the retail market sector with the provision of a single point of access allowing market traders and none sedentary business to find work opportunity and submit street trading license application and/or application to trade at market and events seamlessly, the Market Pass is part of the intellectual property of The Market People. Ltd
The Market Pass links seamlessly the registered stakeholders with The Market People's purpose-built online documentation checking process to provide greater transparency, freedom and security for all market industry stakeholders, including customers.
The market pass delivers the trader's relevant business information to local authorities while protecting the individual trader's sensitive information, preventing identity theft and misuse of personal data. It allow Local authorities and market operator to comply with data protection and GDPR compliance by adding a new layer of security to street trading license application processes.
The Market Pass allow traders to submit application to all registered market operator and local authorities from a single point of access
To our Knowledge The Market Pass is the only solution allowing the relevant authorities to comply fully with the DIRECTIVE 2006/123/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 December 2006 and the E.U. GDPR policy
How does the Market Pass help me as a trader ?
Ownership of a Market Pass includes full access to The Market People's suit of online networking, booking and promotional tools. Traders issued with an annual PASS are also provided with a personal digital accreditation which displays their business details and their accredited status, with a QR code linking to their public profile on The Market People website. Let customers see your details, find you away from the market and share their experience with others.
Apply for a Market Pass Today
One Application
Apply for your food or non food seller market Pass using our one time only application process,which includes tips and hints for supplying the right information and documentation (e.g. liability insurance, hygiene certificate etc.).
Quick Verification
Applications are checked by our dedicated accreditation team. Once approved, providing proof that the holder's professional documentation is in order and up to date, local regulatory officials are notified that the trader is fit to trade,
Amazing Benefits
Traders across the country are already enjoying the benefits of our innovative and exciting new suite of online networking, booking and promotional tools.
All this is free while we Beta test the platform.
Businesses attending multiple markets?
Nominated staff and assistant traders are a vital asset to the market industry and they need to be flexible and responsive in order to meet the demands of the traders they work with and for. So it is important that they are able to move from one market stall and/or trader to another as work opportunities present themselves, while being able to be identified by local authority officers and demonstrate that they are meeting the professional and legal requirements to work in UK.
Apply for a Market Pass